
The purpose of this page is to make it easy for observers to reports information on Bailiwick of Guernsey colour-ringed Gulls, Great Cormorantsand Common Moorhens. After registering as a user, you can report the colour code you have seen and immediately receive data on where the bird has beenringed and observed before.

What can be reported here?

Large Gulls with the following colour rings:-
White ring with black (or blue) characters;
Black ring with white characters; and
Yellow ring with black characters.
All the rings are coded with numbers and letters (three or four altogether)
nxn or nxxn (where n = number and x = letter).

Small Gulls with the following colour rings:-
Black ring with white characters for small gulls (2xnn where x = letter and n= number).

Great Cormorant with the following colour rings:-
Black ring with white characters.
All the rings are coded with letters (two) xx (where x = letter)

Common Moorhen with the following colour rings:-
Red ring with white characters.
All the rings are coded with letters and numbers (three).

Report You Sighting Here (please ignore any dots in the rings)

You will find information on whom you should contact for birds with other colour combinations on European Colour-Ring Birding